
~ 本文完成於1996年,是第一次製作個人網站時為了充版面所寫的。雖然是年少輕狂,下筆不知輕重,但內容卻仍與我目前心境相去不遠,載之以自勉!

I believe...

  • I believe everyone is unique, including you and me.

  • I believe there must be some meanings for me to be born to the world, though I am still trying to figure out what they are.

  • I believe I am only a small part of the world, but the world is in my mind!

I like...

  • I like to see my friends pursuing their dreams.

  • I like to challenge untested common senses, unjustified social values, and so called "expert opinions".

  • I like freedom: free from worries for tomorrow, free from expectations of others, and free from obligations to do something I don't enjoy.

I wish...

  • I wish I was always eight years old, with a simple mind and a simple life.

  • I wish I could fly like a bird!